Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
O.T.O. operates exclusively on dues and event donations. Volunteers put in countless hours in dedication to our Holy Order.
Local Body Dues are payable monthly and are used 100% for continued and future operation of the Local Body. Initiate contributions are the foundation of a strong body. Suggested dues levels are Nuit for 0° and local non-initiate friends, Hadit for I° and II°, and Ra-Hoor-Khuit for III° and above. Please choose a contribution link below which best suits your Will.
Nuit Level $31 /month Local Dues - $31
Hadit Level $45 /month Local Dues - $45
Ra-Hoor-Khuit Level $65 /month Local Dues - $65
Affiliate* $25 /month Affiliate Dues * - $25
* Affiliate Dues are for those living 100 miles beyond the Valley of Chicago.
Grand Lodge dues are separate from Local Dues, and in a sense are more important. You must be Grand Lodge current to maintain OTO membership and to attend certain events. Grand Lodge dues are included with each new initiation, then become due annually at the new Degree rate. Current Grand Lodge dues schedules, as well as payment links, can be found on the U.S. Grand Lodge website.
Initiation fees are used to defer the costs of the initiation itself and include one full year of Grand Lodge dues
Minerval $93.00
1st Degree $111.00
2nd Degree $156.00
3rd Degree $220.00
IV & PI Degrees $418.00
Initiation fees must be paid in full prior to receiving the initiation.
Local Dues Subscription Links to PayPal
Click for Nuit Level - $31
Click for Hadit Level - $45
Click for Ra Hoor Khuit Level - $65
Affiliate Dues Subscription
Affiliate Dues are for those living 100 miles or more from the Valley of Chicago, or for non-initiates who desire to support Aum Ha.
Click for Affiliate - $25
Love is the law, love under will.