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Introduction to Sex Magick

A class and discussion of sex magick, including some preparatory exercises taught by Soror Hypathia. The exercises do not include any nudity or touching others. For all levels, solo or partnered and beyond. Beginner level.

This class is for 18 and older. We request a 20 dollar donation. Any questions and to RSVP, please email

Soror Hypathia has been a member of Ordo Templi Orientis since 1995. She served as Master of William Blake Lodge from 2001 – 2008, USGL EGC Secretary from 2008 – 2011, and High Priestess of Infinite Stars Chapter of Rose Croix. Presently, she serves in the capacities of Sovereign Grand Inspector General, and is member of the USGL Supreme Grand Council. As a speaker, she has lectured on topics including the Gnostic Mass, Tarot, astrology, initiation, ritual construction, sex magick, pentagram rituals, fundraising, and event management. She has been interviewed for the Stooping Starlight podcast and has presented at OTO bodies all over the U.S. Internationally, she has lectured in Amersfoort, Berlin, Budapest, Dublin, Hamburg, London, Olso, Salzburg, Sydney, Vancouver, and Vienna.

Earlier Event: August 4
Later Event: August 27
Liber XV: The Gnostic Mass