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Demystifying the Thoth Tarot Deck

  • Alchemy Arts 1203 West Bryn Mawr Avenue Chicago, IL, 60660 United States (map)

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.

The Thoth Tarot Deck, painted by Lady Frieda Harris under direct instruction from Aleister Crowley, is arguably the most popular Tarot deck among Thelemic magicians. It’s rich symbology, reflecting as it does upon Qabalah, Thelemic theology, astrology, alchemy, and other traditions, is an extremely useful tool for deep contemplation as well as divinatory work.

In a series of classes taught by members of Chalice of Heaven Oasis OTO, we will discuss the Thoth tarot deck and show that using the deck can be as simple or as complex as you choose to approach it. We will touch upon Tarot myths, the usage of the Thoth deck, and additional sources of information. Although we will focus on the Thoth Deck, users of other decks, such as the the Ryder-Waite, will find benefit from this discussion as well. This class is for all users of the Tarot, whether you are an old hand or just bought your first deck before the class.

This session we will be discussing Atu VI, The Lovers, Atu VII The Chariot and Atu VIII Adjustment, but any Tarot related questions and comments are welcome.

This will be both an in person and private virtual class live streaming on Google Meet. Joining info below.

We ask that if you are showing symptoms of COVID, or have tested positive within the past 2 weeks, to please attend with the virtual link. Masks are not necessary in person but you are welcome to wear one.

Suggested donation $10 or as you Will, but no one will be turned away for lack of funds.

Donations may be sent via PayPal to

Ordo Templi Orientis USA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit and donations are tax deductible.

Google Meet joining info for 01/15/2023:

Video call link:

Or dial: ‪(US) +1 314-649-9260 PIN: ‪970 047 986#

Love is the law, love under Will.

Earlier Event: January 1
Liber XV: The Gnostic Mass